
Mrugank Alat - Electrical and Computer Engineering


Alberto Giovanni Busetto - Electrical and Computer Engineering

Teaching the Machine - a story about learning to learn



Carly Larsson - CCS Computing

Andy Rosales Elias - Computer Science

Rafael Smith - Biochemistry/Molecular Biology

Aaron Stanek - Physics

Teaching the Machine - a story about learning to learn
Teaching the Machine - a story about learning to learn

Project Description

The objective of the lab is to tackle various problems using reinforcement learning and deep learning techniques. We are working on a problem called 'Multi Armed Bandits' in which the task is to be maximize the reward obtained in an unknown environment. We are also working on a project based on Optical Character Recognition(OCR). MNIST is the standard data set used for this problem and the work that my interns are going to do in these two weeks will be a benchmark for the project. The goal of the project is to classify digits using k-nearest neighbor (kNN) algorithms which will be a benchmark for the OCR project that we are doing. In this project, the interns will learn kNN algorithm and implement it on standard OCR data set using MATLAB.

Project Files

Presentation Slides