For SIMS Applicants
- Is there a cost to attend SIMS?
No, SIMS is completely free to the participants.
- I currently do not have a laptop to fully participate in the program. Will this impact my application?
No, it will not. On a need basis, SIMS will provide students with the technology needed to support their learning.
- What types of research projects are offered during SIMS?
The research projects within SIMS are diverse, coming from many different areas of science. You can get an idea of the projects we'll have by looking at past years on our website.
Once students are selected to participate, they will be sent descriptions of this year's research projects. Students will have the opportunity to rank them according to their preference. We do our best to form research teams of students who are excited about their topic and have the necessary, complementary skills to succeed. However, there is always the possibility that SIMSters may not work on a project that is directly related to their specific major. Regardless, experiencing academic research so early in one's undergraduate career is an invaluable experience, and our interns have found an enormous benefit from having such diverse research experience under their belts.
- Will the classes I take during SIMS transfer for credit at UCSB?
The classes do not transfer credit, as they are only two weeks long and cannot cover the entire quarter curriculum. However, you will receive a "head start" on your mathematics, programming and technical writing coursework. SIMS Instructors will prepare you extremely well for the first 3-4 weeks of classes (generally up to your first midterm!) and give you a slight edge over the other students taking those classes.
- My AP scores are not out yet. What should I put on my application?
Please indicate that you are waiting to receive your scores, and email sims@csep.ucsb.edu once your scores come out.
- Can I participate in both SIMS and FSSP?
Due to the overlapping program dates and our busy schedule, you cannot participate in both programs. However, we encourage you to apply to both and decide which to attend after the decisions are sent out. If you choose to apply to and participate in SIMS, please make sure you do not miss the summer drop deadline for FSSP.
Please note: the academic preparation you receive during the two weeks of SIMS does not count for university credit. You will receive a "head start" on your mathematics, programming and technical writing coursework. In FSSP, you would take a quarter's worth of courses for units, but you would not participate in research as you would in SIMS.
- Can I participate in SIMS and other similar programs, such as STEP or M-STP?
Due to the overlapping program dates and our busy schedule, you cannot participate in SIMS and STEP or M-STP. However, we encourage you to apply to all three and decide which to attend after the decisions are sent out.
Please note: SIMS will provide a "head start" on your mathematics, programming and technical writing coursework. Additionally, you will also receive research training that will help you join a research group on campus, which few undergraduate students have when entering UCSB.
- How many students are accepted into the SIMS program?
It varies with our funding, but cohorts are typically 24 interns.
- I am an incoming transfer student, is SIMS for me?
SIMS is a program for incoming freshmen students. However, the Center for Science and Engineering Partnerships offers several undergraduate research experiences for current community college students and transferring students, in addition to our general undergraduate research experiences.
For Peer Mentors
- Are there any in-person commitments over the summer prior to the program?
There will be two in-person feedback sessions with the graduate lab mentors over the summer prior to the program. Also, in the spring quarter before the program, SIMS Peer Mentors will enroll in a 1-unit ENGR course for mentor training and program development. We will do our best to arrange the training at a time that does not conflict with your other commitments (i.e., REU’s, courses, other academic commitments). Please keep in mind that participation in Peer Mentor training is REQUIRED.
- I am participating in a research program this summer before the start of SIMS. Do I satisfy the research experience requirement?
No, SIMS peer mentors should have research experience prior to the summer of the SIMS program.
- Can I enroll in courses or have another job during SIMS?
No--SIMS must be your full commitment during the 2-week program. There will be breaks in between events and staff meetings that are your free time.
- I don't have research experience. I am eligible?
No. You may still be eligible if you have industry research & development experience. However, due to the nature of the SIMS program, we are only able to consider Peer Mentor applicants who have first-hand experience in scientific research (academic or industry), culture, expectations, and norms to help students acclimate to the research environment.
For additional questions, please reach out to SIMS Coordinator (sims@csep.ucsb.edu).