Zach Porter - Materials Science
Stephen D. Wilson - Wilson Lab, Materials Department
Determining Efficient Conditions in the Superconductor
Emily Lopez -
Larry Mai -
Eaman Tang -
Christopher Villarino -

Project Description
Superconductors, materials with zero electrical resistance, have many applications, from Magnetic Levitation trains to electronic devices. One fascinating phenomenon of superconductors is called the Meissner effect: they completely expel magnetic fields, so they float when placed over magnets. In a modern materials science laboratory this is the definitive test of superconductivity and the best way to determine obustness in devices. The goal of this project was to study the magnetism of a superconducting sample, with an eyetoward taking precision measurements to characterize physical properties. We took the magnetization measurements ourselves in a cryogenic refrigerator. This project was geared toward those interested in electronics, physics, and inorganic materials research.
Project Files