
Ryan Need - Materials


Stephen D. Wilson - Materials

Crystal Growth of B20 Iron Germanium (FeGe) for Data Storage



Michael Aling - Mechanical Engineering

Kylene Cooley - Physics

Nicholas O'Dea - CCS Physics

Amanda Singleton - Mechanical Engineering


Crystal Growth of B20 Iron Germanium (FeGe) for Data Storage
Crystal Growth of B20 Iron Germanium (FeGe) for Data Storage

Project Description

The Wilson lab grows crystals of materials that have unique electronic or magnetic behavior that might make them good candidates for future electronic devices. For example, we currently have a project working to grow two-dimensional materials, similar to graphene, because these types of materials could be used in flexible electronic circuits and enable wearable devices. This summer, interns working with me will produce and analyze materials that may have application in solid state memory. Unlike spinning hard drives, solid state memory is used to store information in computers in a manner that does not involve moving parts. However, solid state memory is a much younger technology than hard drives and there is still work to be done in order to improve its reliability and energy consumption.

Project Files

Presentation Slides