Information Flyer

Apply to be a SIMS Peer Mentor


The Summer Institute in Mathematics and Science (SIMS) is a 2-week in-person academic preparation and research training program for newly admitted UCSB first-year students majoring in STEM. We aim to increase the graduation and career success of low-income and first-generation STEM students.

Peer Mentors will work closely with the coordinator to plan workshops and events to meet SIMS goals. They will be on the front lines working with the Scholars through their classes, research projects, and introduction to university life. Peer Mentors, in collaboration with the coordinator, are responsible for creating a supportive and safe community amongst the students.



  • Majoring in a Science, Engineering, or Mathematics field
  • Substantial research experience
  • Ability to effectively interact and collaborate both within the group and in other groups
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills
  • Enroll in the SIMS 1-unit ENGR course for 2025 Spring Quarter
  • Not enrolled in 2025 Summer Courses during the program dates
  • No other commitments (i.e., another job) during the program dates


  • Experience mentoring students in STEM
  • Held leadership roles
  • Experience communicating research via poster or verbal talks to large audiences


  • $2,500 Stipend for training/program
  • Room/board for the duration of the program
  • Hone management, leadership, and communication skills
  • Expand your professional network
  • Assist with design and implementation of academic, social, and recreational programs
  • Reach out to representatives from other campus organizations (CAPS, Career Services, etc.) if relevant to workshops
  • Attends ALL scheduled training workshops, staff meetings, and in-services
  • Works on a day-to-day basis with students in both a group and individual format
  • Provide academic support, information and necessary structure to assist students in their transition to college life
  • Attend all SIMS activities, including fun social activities
  • Help facilitate conversations in workshops/events
  • Work collectively with other SIMS staff in order to create a harmonious climate
  • Supervise students during program
  • Takes primary responsibility for supervising an assigned group of students
  • Assumes responsibilities that are delegated over the course of the program
  • Will be on call during the hours of the program
  • Assist instructors and research mentors with assignments to students in order to provide feedback
  • Check in with students after the program to see how their first quarter is going